Friday, November 2, 2007

My Fellow Bloggers...

I have been working on this blog for about a month now, and I have also been reading my fellow classmates blogs. Some of them are very interesting and have many arguments going on at once. All of us in this English class have picked an issue and are arguing for both sides of it without bias. Here are a few of my classmates blogs in which I read regularly.

Embryonic Stem Cell Research

This is a site in which I have been reading and commenting on for a while. It is about the studying of stem cells in order to find cures for diseases such as Parkinson's disease or spinal cord injury. These diseases are affecting many people all over the world who just want to be 'normal' without having to worry about getting out of bed in the morning. So what is the debatable argument? Well, these embryonic stem cells have to come from somewhere that are studied, and the scientists want to get them from embryos. A lot of people are against getting these stem cells because it means that some person, embryo, must be killed to do these experiments. Although there are other means of making up embryos, they are artificial. Many people are also for the research because they are affected by these diseases and don't want others in the future to have these diseases if it is preventable. So why not use the fetuses that other give up? Do you want to know what Snowbabies are? Do you know other types of stem cell research? Visit this site in order to find out more.

Wolf Shooting Dispute in Alaska

I kept finding myself going back to this blog to read it content. I guess it was the way the author wrote about the issue at hand. She was very descriptive in both sides of the argument and didn't let bias take control of her site. This dispute is between two very distinct sides of an issue that occurs in Alaska everyday. One side is very environmental and thinks these wolf shootings are wrong, and the wolf population should be left alone by man. Furthermore, this side believes the wolves are not the only reasons why other endangered animals are dying. The other side of the argument states that the wolves are killing endangered species and specially trained shooters should be able to shoot them from the air. In order to find out more about this topic, visit the website above.

The Melting Pot: Immigration Debate

On of the many people who commented to my site was the author of this website. Because she kept so up-to-date with my blog, I felt it necessary to keep up-to-date on hers. I liked her blog entries because she explained aspects of the topic that weren't really studied in the general media such as bilingual education and public schools. I learned a lot about immigration from this site, and there are very reliable sources she has come across in her research. Covering both sides of the issue is important, but it is also important to choose a side in the argument also. If you want to learn about immigration and its affect on society, then this is a great site to visit. The different sides of the argument are obviously for and against immigration, and I have found myself against illegal immigration because there are certain things one should have to do to become a citizen in our country. I like this blog because it addresses these aspects and explains why and why not immigration should be legalized.

These blogs are very important issues that are at hand in today's society. They are debatable and who knows if there ever will be a solution to any debate in today's society. These authors of the three blogs above have put a lot of work into trying to keep their blogs unbias, and I believe they have done a great job. Please visit them and leave some comments of support!