Monday, October 22, 2007

Smoking Ban On Campus!!

I thought this was interesting. I found this letter from the Chancellor in my email today and it has to do with banning smoking on campus completely in January 2008. Please read this if you smoke!

Dear Carolina Faculty, Staff and Students:

I am pleased to announce a new University policy as a result oflegislation passed by the North Carolina General Assembly this summerand following consultation with the Faculty Council, Employee Forum andStudent Advisory Committee. While we have banned smoking insideUniversity buildings and facilities for years, beginning January 1,2008, we will expand the no-smoking boundary to 100 feet from allUniversity facilities, both on and off campus, and we will not have anydesignated smoking areas. Smoking in state-owned vehicles also will beprohibited.

This extension of our no-smoking zone, authorized by revisions to G.S.143-596, provides an opportunity for the University to sustain itsdedication to a healthy work and learning environment. It allows us toreduce the potential for exposure to second-hand smoke as we reinforcethe efforts of our colleagues in UNC Health Care. Since July 4, thehealth system, School of Medicine and Campus Health Services haveprohibited smoking anywhere on the grounds and parking areas aroundtheir buildings.

The practical effect of this University policy is that the campus willbe smoke-free. We will begin posting temporary signs throughout campusto ensure that visitors and members of the campus community are aware ofthe expanded no-smoking policy. Later, we will replace these signs withpermanent signs at the entrances to campus. The intent of the policy isto promote the health and well-being of people on our campus, althoughwe understand that implementation of this policy may be stressful forsome of our faculty, staff and students who choose to smoke.

As we restrict the areas where people can smoke, we also will providemany resources to help members of the Carolina community who would liketo quit smoking. For information about smoking cessation assistance,students should refer to the Campus Health Services Web site,, and faculty and staff should refer to theEnvironment, Health and Safety Web site,

When the new policy goes into effect on January 1, I ask that you treatsmokers courteously and, if you are comfortable doing so, simply requestthat people who are smoking within 100 feet of University facilitiesextinguish their tobacco product.

I wholeheartedly support this expanded dimension of our no-smokingpolicy because of its tremendous health benefits for the entireUniversity community, and I ask for your full cooperation as weimplement the policy and related procedures in January.

James Moeser


HealthyGirl said...

I am excited to see that the University is taking action against public smoking. I was a member of student organization to decrease the public smoking in our community and increase knowledge about the effects of smoking. I realize that by loosing all designated smoking areas the additional strain to smokers will require extra effort on their part, but I think that the support against smoking is more important. The health of students and the image that the University promotes will benefit from these changes.

Healthy Lungs said...

To healthygirl: That is very interesting to know that you were part of a smoking awareness group in your community. That is very good to let people know what is going on in the air around them. If they don't know what chemicals are in secondhand smoke, then they can't necessarily avoid the harmful substances in the air. This policy will definitely point the smokers out and make them feel somewhat like social outcasts, but it is more important to keep the nonsmokers healthy and safe from these chemicals.

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Brooke said...

I fully support the new legislation regarding smoking on campus. Banning smoking is necessary inside buildings, but without prohibiting smoking near the surroundings of the building the policy is worthless. By adding the “100 foot rule,” students can continue to enjoy the smoke-free zone outside and not just inside University facilities. The buildings are only a component of the University. The Quad and other outdoor areas should maintain the same health standards. Unfortunately, the new legislation will stir up some fury among the smoking population. It will be very difficult to smoke between classes without violating the new policy. Will this encourage smokers to limit their habit because of the inconvenience to find a location or will it only promote them to violate the codes? Is it really a good idea to eliminate all designated smoking areas? Where will smokers go? They aren’t going to quit smoking. How will the legislation be enforced for those who choose to do so anyway?

Healthy Lungs said...

To Brooke,
Although this policy is a good one, there are drawbacks to it. Many smokers may not even be aware of the new policy once it is in effect. Another drawback is that smokers may not want to quit smoking within 100 feet of the campus buildings, so they will just smoke whenever and wherever they want to. It might cause some smokers to quit because they can't do it between classes, but most people don't have classes right after another, they usually have a break between classes for at least an hour. From what the word is, the repeat offenders will be punished, but I am not sure how. This will probably not be established until there are a plentitude of repeat offenders.

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